Sketchy Maze

"a drawing-based maze game."

Sketchy Maze v0.10.0 Released

A new version of Sketchy Maze has been released!


Some new features of this release include:

Level Packs

Players can create their own Level Packs which are collections of levels that are played in series. The game’s built-in levels have also been grouped into a couple of Level Packs.

You may “Edit” a level from a Level Pack and remix it or learn from it without affecting the original level data.

Other Changes

  • Crosshair option: in the Level Editor you can have a large crosshair drawn at your mouse cursor to help align things up when designing your levels!
  • Smaller Palette buttons: the color swatches on your Palette now display with two to a row for a more condensed layout that supports more colors per level!
  • Doodad AI update (Bird): the Bird now returns to its original altitude when flying in case it had flown into a ramp that changed its altitude.
  • Responsive UI updates for mobile: the Title Screen and the Play/Edit Drawing screens work better on narrow screen sizes.
  • The app window gets a custom icon.
  • Bugfix: Undo/Redo works in the Doodad Editor.
  • Bugfix: Fix a crash when creating a new Doodad (v0.9.0 regression)
  • Bugfix: Alert and Confirm modals re-center themselves on your window which especially helps with mobile when you switch from a portrait to landscape orientation.

Check it out!

You can download the latest release here, free for all desktop operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac OS) and Linux smartphones!

Copyright © 2024 Noah Petherbridge.