Sketchy Maze

"a drawing-based maze game."

v0.14.0 Released

A new version of Sketchy Maze is now released and brings some polish and a handful of new features!

Some of the highlights of this release includes:

  • Level Thumbnails will now be generated and saved with your level file. At first, these will appear on the Story Mode screen for level packs but in future releases they will show when loading your custom levels from disk, and when an online level sharing service is set up, they will be prominently featured there to get a preview of a level before you download it!

    Screenshot of the Story Mode level selector showing thumbnails of the built-in levels.

  • Player physics have been overhauled and the platforming feels a bit nicer now.

    • The force of gravity is tweaked between the jumping and falling stages of player movement for a nicer feel.
    • The player can now walk up slopes without losing any momentum.
    • ‘Coyote time’ will enable the player to still jump a couple of frames after leaving the ground.

  • The JavaScript API for doodads has seen some improvements and fixes:

    • Functions like setTimeout() and setInterval() will now tie to the game’s logic tick rate for more reliable timing in your doodad scripts (using the wallclock time functions such as time.Now() is advised against because it won’t adapt in case the game is running at a slower than average frame rate).
    • A lot more of the Actor properties are now exposed on Self.

See the change log for all the details.

Check out the Downloads page to try out Sketchy Maze v0.14.0 today!

Copyright © 2024 Noah Petherbridge.